Konkurs Bayer Digital Campus Challenge 2023

Szanowni Państwo,

Drodzy Studenci,

Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie Bayer Digital Campus Challenge 2023.

Szczegółowe informacje są dostępne poniżej: 

Called Bayer Digital Campus Challenge 2023, the objective of the competition is to leverage digital technologies to revolutionize the healthcare and farming industries and improve people's lives. The competition is open to students from all academic backgrounds and with a desire to address some major challenges facing humanity: a growing and aging world population and the increasing strain on nature’s ecosystems. 

Students will get to pitch their ideas to Bayer experts and winners will have an exclusive opportunity to meet with scientists and business leaders who are relevant to their idea, on top of receiving funding and internship/ job opportunities.

Registration is completely free and here is the link to access the competition platform: https://bit.ly/Bayer_DCC23_Challenge Application ends on November 5th, 2023.