Szanowni Państwo, 
Serdecznie zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w pierwszym w historii Europejskim Tygodniu Zdrowia Publicznego, który rozpocznie się 13 maja br., w godz.10:00-12:00 w UM Brussels Campus (Av de Tervueren 153, BE-1150, Bruksela, Belgia). Poniżej przekazujemy szczegółowe informacje od współorganizatora wydarzenia - The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER):

The programme includes a panel discussion on public health and a  "walkinar" to promote physical activity – the theme of day 1.

We would be delighted to see you there or online via live streaming! Find all details on the Facebook event page and you can send questions to the panel using #EUPHWkickoff on Twitter.

To also engage students in this initiative: There are 3 events are particularly targeted at the younger audience and we would like you to share with your students:

  1. On Tuesday 14 May, dedicated to "healthy environments", use the TravAble app to register accessible places and services where you live
  2. On Friday 17 May at 10 am GMT, dedicated to "youth mental health", join a webinar on "Youth voices for mental health across Europe"
  3. Also on Friday 17 May, tell Europe what you do to look after your mental health using #mymental

Full details about these 3 activities are in the document attached.


Many countries around Europe are actively preparing their participation at local, national and European level, whether it's in person or online. You can find all EUPHW listed here and also search by country to find an event that you may want to join in person.

You are still welcome to organise your own EUPHW event and please do inform us, so we can support and synergise these events to share as a collective effort of the schools of public health community via our channels. 
